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To utilize the official SDK to acquire a file from Huawei cloud, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new project and configure the SDK in your development environment.
  2. Create an instance of the HUAWEI Cloud API Client using your app ID and app key.
  3. Authenticate the user by obtaining an access token from Huawei Cloud.
  4. Use the Drive API provided by Huawei Cloud to retrieve the file. You can use the following code snippet:
Drive mDrive = DriveService.getDrive(context, accessToken);
String fileId = "file-id";
StreamContent content = mDrive.files().get(fileId).executeMediaAsInputStream();

Here, DriveService.getDrive() method returns an instance of the Drive API and mDrive.files().get() method retrieves the file from Huawei Cloud, with the fileId parameter being the ID of the file you want to retrieve.

  1. Process the file content as needed. For example, you can write the file to disk or display it in your app.

Note: This example assumes you have obtained the necessary permissions and have included the appropriate dependency for the Huawei Cloud SDK in your project.