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To build an SQLAlchemy engine that uses psycopg3 as its foundation, follow these steps:

  1. Install psycopg3: First, install psycopg3 using pip with the following command:
pip install psycopg3
  1. Import SQLAlchemy and psycopg3: Import SQLAlchemy and psycopg3 in your Python script as follows:
import sqlalchemy as db
import psycopg3
  1. Create a database URL: Next, create a database URL that contains the details of the PostgreSQL server that you want to connect to. The database URL has the following format:
  • <username>: The username of the PostgreSQL account that you want to use to connect to the server.
  • <password>: The password of the PostgreSQL account.
  • <host>: The hostname or IP address of the PostgreSQL server.
  • <port>: The port number on which the PostgreSQL server is listening.
  • <database>: The name of the database that you want to connect to.
db_url = 'postgresql+psycopg3://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>'
  1. Create the engine: Now, create the SQLAlchemy engine by passing the database URL to the create_engine function.
engine = db.create_engine(db_url)
  1. Connect to the database: Use the connect method of the engine object to connect to the PostgreSQL server.
conn = engine.connect()

You can now use the conn object to execute SQL queries against the PostgreSQL database.