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There could be various reasons why a package installed with Conda is not working properly. Here are a few potential causes and solutions:

  1. Check the installation: Make sure the package is actually installed by running the following command in your terminal: conda list. Look for the name of the package in the output. If it's not listed, try reinstalling it with conda install.

  2. Check the package dependencies: Some packages may have dependencies that need to be installed separately. Check the documentation for the package to see if there are any specific dependencies required. You can use conda list to check if the required dependencies are installed.

  3. Check the version compatibility: It's possible that the version of the package you installed is not compatible with your current environment. Try installing a different version of the package with conda install <package-name>=<version>.

  4. Check the configuration: Some packages require additional configuration after installation. Check the documentation for the package to see if there are any specific configuration steps required.

  5. Check for conflicts: It's possible that the installed package is conflicting with another package in your environment. You can use conda list to check if there are any conflicts between packages. Try removing conflicting packages or creating a new environment without the conflicting package.

If none of these solutions solve the issue, you may need to look for additional support or report the issue to the package maintainer.