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To apply IMPORT RANGE in Google Sheets to handle multiple data sets that may contain empty cells, you can use the IFERROR function along with the IMPORTRANGE function.

Here are the steps:

  1. In the cell where you want to import the data, type the following formula:

Replace "[SOURCESPREADSHEETURL]" with the URL of the spreadsheet you want to import data from and "[SOURCESHEETNAME]" with the name of the sheet containing the data. Replace "A1:B" with the range of cells you want to import.

  1. Copy the formula to the other cells where you want to import data.

The IFERROR function checks if there are any errors in importing the data. If there are none, it returns the imported data. If there are errors, it returns an empty string (""). This way, if there are any empty cells in the imported data set, they will be replaced with empty strings rather than causing an error in the sheet.