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The method to sort an array based on its key will depend on the programming language being used. However, in general, the steps to sort an array based on its key are:

  1. Identify the key that you want to use for sorting the array.

  2. Write a comparison function that compares the values of the key for any two elements in the array.

  3. Use a sorting algorithm (such as quicksort, mergesort, or heapsort) that takes the comparison function as a parameter and uses it to determine the ordering of the elements.

  4. Call the sorting function on the array.

  5. The sorted array will be returned with the elements ordered based on the value of the key.

For example, in JavaScript, you can use the .sort() method on an array and pass it a comparison function that compares the value of a particular key. In Python, you can use the sorted() function and pass it a key argument that specifies the key to sort on.