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Here are the steps or methods for animating the opening and closing of a CSS sidebar using CSS:

  1. Create a sidebar container: First, create an HTML element that will contain the sidebar content. For example, you could create a div with a class of "sidebar-container".

  2. Create a sidebar: Next, create an HTML element that will serve as the sidebar itself. You could create a div with a class of "sidebar" and add content to it.

  3. Position the sidebar: Use CSS to position the sidebar to the left of the sidebar container. For example, you could use the CSS "position" property to set the sidebar's position to "absolute" and set its "left" property to "-250px".

  4. Create a button: Create a button that will be used to open and close the sidebar. For example, you could create a div with a class of "sidebar-toggle" and add a "click" event listener to it.

  5. Add animation styles: Use CSS to animate the opening and closing of the sidebar. For example, you could use the CSS "transition" property to animate the sidebar's "left" property when it is opened or closed.

  6. Add JavaScript: Finally, add JavaScript code to handle the opening and closing of the sidebar. For example, you could add an event listener to the sidebar-toggle button that toggles the "open" class on the sidebar-container, which in turn animates the sidebar's position.