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To find the statistics of the values in a list using Python, you can use the statistics module which provides a variety of functions to calculate the statistics. Here is an example:

import statistics

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

print("Mean: ", statistics.mean(my_list))
print("Median: ", statistics.median(my_list))
print("Mode: ", statistics.mode(my_list))
print("Variance: ", statistics.variance(my_list))
print("Standard Deviation: ", statistics.stdev(my_list))


Mean:  5
Median:  5
Mode:  1
Variance:  7.5
Standard Deviation:  2.7386127875258306

In this example, we imported the statistics module and created a list - my_list. We then used the statistics module to calculate the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation of the values in the list. The output shows the results of these calculations.