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  1. Log in to your Google Domains account and select the domain you want to set up a subdomain for.

  2. Click on the "DNS" tab to access the DNS configuration page.

  3. Create a new "A" record by selecting "Custom resource records" from the drop-down menu and entering the subdomain name (e.g., "") in the "Name" field.

  4. In the "IPv4 address" field, enter the public IP address of your AWS server.

  5. Save the changes by clicking on the "Add" button.

  6. Log in to your AWS account and go to the "EC2" dashboard.

  7. Select your instance and go to the "Security Groups" section.

  8. Edit the security group to allow incoming traffic on the port you want to use (e.g., port 80 for HTTP).

  9. Log in to your server and start the application or service you want to use on the specified port.

  10. Test the connection by visiting the subdomain in a web browser. If the connection is successful, you should see your application or service running on the specified port.