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There could be several reasons why interaction names are not being shown by sjPlot plot_model:

  1. Incorrect model syntax: If the interaction terms have not been defined properly in the model syntax, sjPlot may not be able to display their names. Ensure that the syntax includes appropriate interaction terms such as "factor1:factor2".

  2. Outdated sjPlot package: Older versions of sjPlot may not display interaction names properly. Updating sjPlot to the latest version may resolve the issue.

  3. Missing variable labels or names: If the variables used in the interactions do not have proper labels or names, sjPlot may not be able to display them. Ensure that the labels and names are properly defined in the dataset.

  4. Incorrect plotting options: Check the plotting options used in sjPlot. Some options may hide the interaction names. Try changing the options or using default settings.

  5. Software or package compatibility: If the issue persists, check for compatibility issues between the software used to create the model and the sjPlot package. Consult the package documentation or seek help from the package developers.