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initial version
  1. Import the "escposutils" package in Flutter.

  2. Connect to the Zebra ZQ220 printer using the appropriate connection method (e.g., Bluetooth or USB).

  3. Set the character encoding for Arabic text using the "setGlobalEncoding" function. Example:

  1. Create a String variable for the Arabic text that needs to be printed. Example:
String arabicText = "مرحبا بالعالم";
  1. Use the "text" function to print the Arabic text using the Zebra ZQ220 printer. Example:
  1. If needed, adjust the font size and style using the "setEmphasis" and "setFontSize" functions. Example:
  1. Finally, use the "feed" function to advance to the next printing line. Example:

This completes the process of printing Arabic text on Zebra ZQ220 using the "escposutils" package in Flutter.