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You can use the symmetric_difference filter in Ansible to check for differences or delta between two lists or dictionary keys in both directions (bi-directionally or symmetrically) without the need to create a new variable. Here's an example:

- name: Check for differences
    var: list1|symmetric_difference(list2)

In this example, list1 and list2 are the two lists that you want to check for differences. The symmetric_difference filter will return the symmetric difference between the two lists, i.e., the elements that are present in one list but not in the other.

You can also use this filter to check for differences between two dictionary keys by specifying the keys:

- name: Check for differences
    var: dict1.key1|symmetric_difference(dict2.key2)

In this example, dict1.key1 and dict2.key2 are the two dictionary keys that you want to check for differences. The symmetric_difference filter will return the symmetric difference between the values of these keys in the two dictionaries.