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There could be several reasons for not being able to establish a Jedis connection when using SSL with Redis and Spring Data Redis. Some of them are:

  1. Invalid SSL certificate: If the SSL certificate used is invalid or expired, then Jedis will not be able to establish a secure connection with Redis.

  2. Missing or incorrect SSL configurations: If the SSL configurations are missing or incorrect in the Redis configuration or Spring Data Redis configuration, then Jedis will not be able to connect to Redis over SSL.

  3. Firewall or network issues: If there are any firewall or network issues that are blocking the SSL connection between Jedis and Redis, then Jedis will not be able to connect to Redis over SSL.

  4. Incompatible Redis or Jedis version: If the Redis or Jedis version being used is not compatible with SSL, then Jedis will not be able to establish a SSL connection with Redis.