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There are a few steps that can be followed to resolve the issue of MavenDeployment being unresolved after updating the gradle wrapper:

  1. Check that the Maven plugin is applied correctly in the build.gradle file. Ensure that the correct version of Maven is specified and that the plugin is applied to the correct tasks.

  2. Check that the necessary repositories have been added to the build.gradle file. Ensure that the correct repositories for the plugin and dependencies have been added.

  3. Clean the project by running the 'clean' task in gradle. This will ensure that any old artifacts are removed and the project is rebuilt from scratch.

  4. Refresh dependencies by running the 'dependencies' task in gradle. This will ensure that all dependencies and plugins are up to date.

  5. Try running the build again. If the issue persists, try deleting the .gradle and .m2 directories in the user's home directory and rebuilding the project.

  6. If the issue still persists after trying the above steps, try updating the Maven plugin version to the latest version and ensure that it is compatible with the version of Gradle being used.