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To apply Conda environments to tasks in VScode, one can follow the steps below:

  1. Install the Conda extension in VScode.
  2. Create a new Conda environment and activate it using the Anaconda Prompt or Conda Terminal. For example, to create an environment named "myenv" with Python 3.7, run the command: conda create --name myenv python=3.7.
  3. In VScode, select "Terminal" from the menu and choose "New Terminal".
  4. Activate the Conda environment by running the command: conda activate myenv.
  5. In VScode, open the command palette by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows or Command + Shift + P on Mac. Type "Tasks: Configure Task" and select "Tasks: Configure Task".
  6. Select "Create tasks.json file from template" and choose the type of task you want to create (for example, "Python" or "Shell").
  7. In the generated tasks.json file, replace the default command with the command to run in the Conda environment, appended with the flag source activate myenv. For example, to run a Python script, replace the command python with python -u -m mymodule.
  8. Save the tasks.json file and run the task by selecting "Run Task" from the "Terminal" menu.

By following these steps, the task will be executed in the specified Conda environment, ensuring that the required packages and dependencies are available.