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There could be several reasons why the bundled Javascript script cannot be located by Webpack DevServer. Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Check if the file path is correct: Make sure that the file path for the bundled Javascript script is correct and matches the one defined in your Webpack configuration file.

  2. Check if the file exists: Ensure that the bundled Javascript script actually exists in the location where it is supposed to be. If it doesn't, then you will need to generate it using Webpack.

  3. Check your Webpack configuration: Check your Webpack configuration to ensure that the correct output path and filename are specified for the bundled Javascript script.

  4. Check your HTML file: Ensure that the HTML file you are trying to load the JS script from has the correct path and filename for the bundled file in the script tag.

  5. Try disabling cache: Sometimes, cache can cause issues with loading scripts. Try disabling cache in your browser using the developer tools and then reloading the page.

  6. Restart the server: If all else fails, try restarting the Webpack DevServer to see if that fixes the issue.