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"Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again."

This error message is usually displayed when there is a problem with the installation of the theme or when the uploaded file is too large, which can cause issues with the server executing the upload. It could also be due to a lack of free space on the server or insufficient memory allocation.

To resolve this, the user can try the following:

  1. Try uploading the theme again, making sure that the file size is within the limits set by the server.

  2. Check if there is enough free space on the server.

  3. Increase the memory limit in the wp-config.php file by adding the following line: define( 'WPMEMORYLIMIT', '256M' );

  4. Contact the hosting provider to check if there is any server-side issue that is causing the error.

  5. Try uploading the theme via FTP/SFTP, which might bypass the issues occurring while uploading through WordPress.

  6. Disable all plugins and try uploading the theme again.

  7. Reinstall WordPress entirely and try the installation of the theme anew.