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To handle this error message, you need to declare the types of the object that you want to mock before using the mock or mockReturnValue functions. You can do this by using the jest.Mocked function to create a type safe version of the object.

Here is an example of how to do so:

import { MyObject } from './my-object';

// create a type safe version of MyObject
const mockedMyObject: jest.Mocked<MyObject> = {
  // define your mocked functions and return values here
  myFunction: jest.fn(),
  myValue: 'mocked value',

// use the mocked object in your test
test('my test', () => {
  // call a mocked function and expect a certain result
  mockedMyObject.myFunction.mockReturnValue('expected result');
  expect(mockedMyObject.myFunction()).toEqual('expected result');

In this example, the Mocked function creates a type safe version of MyObject which can be used to define the mocked functions and return values. This will prevent the error message that says mock and mockReturnValue cannot be found.