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File path comparison can be normalized in PowerShell using the Resolve-Path cmdlet. The Resolve-Path cmdlet converts a relative path to an absolute path and resolves any aliases or variables in the path. This can help ensure that file paths are compared consistently and accurately.

For example, suppose you have two file paths:

$path1 = "C:\Scripts\ExampleScript.ps1" $path2 = ".\ExampleScript.ps1"

If you were to compare these paths directly, they would not match because one is an absolute path and the other is a relative path. However, you can normalize these paths using the Resolve-Path cmdlet:

$normalizedPath1 = Resolve-Path $path1 $normalizedPath2 = Resolve-Path $path2

Now the two paths will match because they have been normalized to the same absolute path:

$normalizedPath1 -eq $normalizedPath2 # returns True