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There could be several reasons why the Django Debug toolbar is not displaying even though the HTML is visible using "view page source." Some possible reasons include:

  1. Debug mode is not enabled: Django Debug toolbar only works when debug mode is enabled. Check if the DEBUG setting in your Django settings module is set to True.

  2. Middleware is not configured: Django Debug toolbar requires a middleware to intercept HTML responses and inject the toolbar code. Make sure that the middleware is properly configured in your Django settings module.

  3. Incorrect installation: If the debug toolbar is not displaying even though the HTML is visible, it could be due to an incorrect installation. Check that the debug toolbar is installed correctly and all dependencies are met.

  4. JavaScript errors: Some JavaScript errors can prevent the debug toolbar from displaying properly. Check the browser console for any errors related to the debug toolbar.

  5. CSS conflicts: CSS conflicts with your website's existing styles can cause the debug toolbar to not display properly. Try disabling your website's CSS temporarily to see if the debug toolbar appears.