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To implement notifications for changes in nested properties of a Realm object, one can use Realm's change notification system to observe changes in the parent object and its nested properties.

  1. Add an observer to the Realm notifications.
let realm = try! Realm()

let notificationToken = realm.observe { (notification, realm) in
    // callback code here
  1. In the callback method, determine if the changed object is the parent object.
let changedObject = notification.insertions.first ?? notification.modifications.first ?? notification.deletions.first

if changedObject is ParentObject {
    // parent object was changed
  1. If the parent object was changed, determine if any of its nested properties were changed.
if let parentObject = changedObject as? ParentObject {
    if parentObject.childObject.nestedProperty.isInvalidated {
        // nested property was invalidated
  1. If the nested property was invalidated, you can handle the change accordingly.
if parentObject.childObject.nestedProperty.isInvalidated {
    // handle the nested property change here

By observing changes in the Realm notifications and looking for changes in the parent object and its nested properties, you can implement notifications for changes in nested properties of a Realm object.