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  1. Install the required SDKs: The first step is to install the AWS SDKs you need for your application. You can install the SDKs for multiple programming languages such as Python, Java, .NET, Ruby, etc.

  2. Configure the SDKs: The next step is to configure the SDKs with the necessary authentication credentials, such as API keys, access keys, and secret keys.

  3. Create API definitions: Once the SDKs are installed and configured, you can start creating the API definitions using Swagger. Swagger is an open-source tool that helps you document your RESTful APIs.

  4. Generate Swagger definitions: After creating the API definitions, you can generate the Swagger definitions using the AWS SDKs. The AWS SDKs provide a utility called "swagger-codegen" that can be used to generate Swagger definitions.

  5. Validate the Swagger definitions: After generating the Swagger definitions, you should validate them to make sure they are correct and complete. You can use Swagger's online validation tool or a validation plugin for your chosen programming language.

  6. Publish the API: Finally, you can publish the API with the Swagger definitions to make it available for use by other developers. AWS provides various deployment options such as API Gateway, Lambda functions, and EC2 instances.