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The method of utilizing the VLC equalizer in the Python programming language involves the following steps:

  1. Install the Python vlc module using the following command:
pip install python-vlc
  1. Create a VLC media player instance using the following code:
import vlc

player = vlc.MediaPlayer()
  1. Set the media file to be played on the VLC media player using the following code:
media = vlc.Media('path/to/media/file')
  1. Enable the equalizer on the VLC media player using the following code:
equalizer = player.audio_equalizer_new()
player.audio_equalizer_set_preset(equalizer, 'Rock')
player.audio_equalizer_set_preamp(equalizer, 0)

This code sets the equalizer preset to 'Rock' and sets the preamp to 0. You can change these values as per your requirement.

  1. Start the VLC media player using the following code:

This will start playing the media file on the VLC media player with the equalizer enabled. You can adjust the equalizer settings during the playback using the following code:

bands = player.audio_equalizer_get_band_count()
for i in range(bands):
    band = player.audio_equalizer_get_band_frequency(i)
    level = player.audio_equalizer_get_amp_at_index(i)
    print('Band: {0} Level: {1}'.format(band, level))

This code will print out the current equalizer band frequencies and levels. You can adjust the levels using the following code:

band = 0
level = 15
player.audio_equalizer_set_amp_at_index(band, level)

This code will set the level of the first band to 15. You can change the band number and level as per your requirement.