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When using dnf in RHEL 8, the process for choosing which version to install is as follows:

  1. Run the following command to search for packages:

    $ dnf search <package_name>
  2. Identify the package that you want to install.

  3. List the available versions of the package by running the following command:

    $ dnf --showduplicates list <package_name>
  4. Choose the version that you want to install, and run the following command:

    $ sudo dnf install <package_name>-<version>

    Replace <package_name> with the package name and <version> with the version number that you want to install.

Alternatively, you can use the following command to install the latest version of a package:

$ sudo dnf install <package_name>

This will automatically install the latest version of the package with all its dependencies. However, if you need to install an older version, you will need to use the process outlined above.