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There are several ways to save data in Swift/iOS apps:

  1. UserDefaults: UserDefaults is a built-in data persistence mechanism in iOS that allows you to save small amounts of data, such as user settings, preferences, and other similar types of data.

  2. Core Data: Core Data is a powerful and flexible framework that enables developers to store large amounts of data in a SQLite database. It provides an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) layer that maps the data between the database and the app's data model.

  3. SQLite: SQLite is a lightweight database engine that can be used to store and retrieve data in iOS apps. It's a popular choice for apps that require large data storage capacity and high performance.

  4. File System: The file system is another way to store data locally in iOS apps. You can create and read files and folders using the FileManager class in Swift.

  5. CloudKit: CloudKit is a cloud-based storage service provided by Apple that enables you to store and retrieve data from the cloud. It's a great option for apps that require synchronization between devices or cross-device data sharing.