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  1. Incorrect Access Key or Secret Key: The most common reason for AccessDeniedException error is incorrect or invalid AWS access key and/or secret key.

  2. IAM User Permissions: If the IAM user doesn’t have the necessary permissions to access the AWS service or resource, it will result in an access denied error.

  3. Bucket/Object Permissions: S3 bucket policies and object permissions play an important role in granting or restricting access to S3 resources. Incorrect permissions can result in the AccessDeniedException.

  4. Network Issues: The error can also occur if there is a network issue between the client and AWS service.

  5. Security Group/Firewall Configuration: Incorrect security group or firewall rules can cause the access denied error.

  6. Deprecated AWS Service API: AWS services and their supported APIs change over time, and deprecated API calls can result in AccessDeniedException errors.

  7. AWS Service Quotas: AWS service quotas set limits on the amount of resources that can be consumed by a user account. If this limit is exceeded, it can result in the access denied error.

  8. AWS Region: Some AWS services are region-specific. If a user tries to access resources in the wrong region, it can result in the AccessDeniedException error.