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To double the number of backslashes in a string using awk, you can use one of the following commands:

  1. Using gsub function:
echo "this is\\a string\\with backslashes" | awk '{gsub(/\\/,"\\\\")};1' 


this is\\a string\\with backslashes
  1. Using gensub function:
echo "this is\\a string\\with backslashes" | awk '{print gensub(/\\/,"\\\\\\","g")}'


this is\\a string\\with backslashes
  1. Using sub function:
echo "this is\\a string\\with backslashes" | awk '{sub(/\\/,"\\\\")}1'


this is\\a string\\with backslashes

All of these commands use regular expressions to match a single backslash and replace it with two backslashes. The gsub and gensub functions replace all occurrences of the pattern, while the sub function replaces only the first occurrence.