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There are several ways to graph multiple data frames on a single plot while still analyzing them separately. Here are a few options:

  1. Combine the data frames into one master data frame: If the data frames have the same structure, you can combine them into one larger data frame using functions like rbind() or merge(). Once you have a single data frame, you can plot all the data at once using facetting or grouping.

  2. Use facetting or grouping: Many plotting libraries (such as ggplot2 in R) allow you to create multiple plots within a single figure by grouping or facetting the data. You can specify which data frame each subset of the data comes from, and the plots will be displayed side by side or in a grid.

  3. Create separate plots and arrange them: Another option is to create separate plots for each data frame and then arrange them into a single figure using functions like grid.arrange() or subplot().

Overall, the best approach will depend on the specifics of your problem and the tools you are using.