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  1. Determine the scale factor: The first step is to determine the scale factor between the two polygons. This can be done by measuring the corresponding lengths of each polygon and dividing them by one another. For example, if one polygon has a side that measures 4 units and the corresponding side of the other polygon measures 8 units, the scale factor is 2.

  2. Multiply the vertices by the scale factor: Once the scale factor is determined, each vertex of the first polygon must be multiplied by this factor. This will ensure that the size and shape of the polygon are adjusted proportionally to match the second polygon. For example, if the first polygon has the vertices (0,0), (4,0), (4,4), and (0,4), and the scale factor is 2, the new vertices would be (0,0), (8,0), (8,8), and (0,8).

  3. Adjust the position: After multiplying the vertices by the scale factor, the polygon may be larger or smaller than the second polygon, but it may not align perfectly. To align the polygons, the position of the first polygon must be adjusted. This can be done by measuring the distance between corresponding vertices of the two polygons and moving the first polygon accordingly. If the corresponding vertices are not aligned, the polygon may also need to be rotated.

  4. Check alignment: Once the polygon is resized and positioned, it is important to check that it aligns with the second polygon. This can be done by measuring the lengths of the sides and angles of the two polygons and ensuring that they match.