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  1. Increasing the retention time: The default retention time for Prometheus plugin in Jenkins is 15 days. However, you can extend this by configuring the Prometheus server's storage retention duration. This can be done by setting the storage.retention parameter in the Prometheus configuration file.

  2. Using external storage: Another way to extend data retention is by using external storage like cloud storage or network-attached storage (NAS). This will allow you to offload the storage burden from your local machine to cloud or network servers.

  3. Reducing the sample frequency: By default, the Prometheus plugin in Jenkins collects data on a regular basis, which consumes storage space. To extend data retention, you can reduce the sample frequency of the data that you are collecting.

  4. Archiving old data: Archiving old data is another option to extend data retention. To do this, you can configure a job in Jenkins that archives the old data and moves it to an external server. This will help to reduce the load on the local storage and extend the retention time.

  5. Using aggregation functions: Using aggregation functions like count, sum, average, etc. can help to reduce the amount of data that is stored. This will help to extend data retention without overwhelming the storage capacity of the server.