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To merge multiple queries into a single stored procedure in MySQL, follow the below steps:

  1. Start by creating a new stored procedure using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
  2. Define the necessary parameters for the procedure.
  3. Declare any variables that will be used in the procedure.
  4. Write each query in the procedure, ensuring that they are separated by semicolons.
  5. Use the IF-THEN or CASE statement to define the logic to be used in the procedure.
  6. Finally, test the procedure by executing it and providing the required parameters.

Here is an example of a stored procedure that merges two queries:

CREATE PROCEDURE mergeQueries(IN p_name VARCHAR(50), IN p_value INT)

  SELECT id INTO v_id FROM table1 WHERE name = p_name;
  UPDATE table2 SET value = p_value WHERE id = v_id;


In this example, the procedure takes two parameters, pname and pvalue. The first query retrieves the ID from the table1 where the name is equal to the provided parameter. The second query updates the value in table2 for the retrieved ID.

Note that the queries are separated by semicolons, and the procedure is enclosed within BEGIN and END statements.