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There are several reasons why not all records may be inserted with the use of NHibernate transactions:

  1. Lack of transaction boundary: If the transaction boundary is not correctly implemented, then some records may not be included in the transaction and hence not inserted in the database.

  2. Data validation errors: If there are any data validation errors, such as unique constraints, data type mismatches, or null values, then the affected records will not be inserted.

  3. Concurrency issues: If multiple transactions are trying to insert the same record at the same time, then one of them might fail due to a concurrency issue, and the record may not be inserted.

  4. Exception handling: If there are any exceptions thrown while inserting records, then the transaction may be rolled back, and some of the records may not be inserted.

  5. Configuration issues: If the NHibernate configuration is not set up correctly, then some records may not be inserted due to issues such as incorrect mappings or database connectivity issues.

In general, it is important to ensure that all necessary records are included in the transaction boundary and that proper exception handling and configuration are in place to ensure that all records are successfully inserted into the database.