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To modify Bootstrap 5 to utilize solely the grid and buttons components, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the Bootstrap 5 framework from the official website.
  2. Create a new custom stylesheet to modify the components.
  3. Remove all the CSS classes related to the components that you don't want to use.
  4. Keep the CSS classes related to the grid and buttons components.
  5. Customize the remaining classes as per your requirements.
  6. Link the custom stylesheet to your HTML pages.

For example, to use only the grid and button components, you can remove the CSS classes related to the navigation, forms, tables, and other components. Your custom stylesheet will only contain CSS rules for grid and button classes like .row, .col, .btn, .btn-primary, etc.

This will reduce the framework's CSS file size and load time and make your website more efficient.