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The method for adding and validating a dynamic xcframework that requires a higher minimum deployment target than your iOS app involves the following steps:

  1. Add the xcframework to your Xcode project as a framework.

  2. Set the minimum deployment target of your iOS app to match the required target of the xcframework. This can be done in the "General" tab of your project settings.

  3. Use conditional compilation statements to ensure that any code using the xcframework is only compiled when the minimum target is met. For example, you can use the #available keyword to check for the presence of a particular API before using it.

  4. Validate the functionality of the xcframework on devices with the required minimum deployment target. You can use a combination of simulators and physical devices to test the functionality of the xcframework.

  5. If any issues are found, work with the developer of the xcframework to address them. This may involve making changes to your app code or the xcframework itself.