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To include tags in Terraform, follow these steps:

  1. Define the tags block in your Terraform code by using the syntax:
tags = {
  name = "your-name-tag"
  environment = "your-environment-tag"

Replace the "your-name-tag" and "your-environment-tag" placeholders with the appropriate tag values.

  1. Attach the tags block to the desired resource using the syntax:
resource "your-resource-type" "your-resource-name" {
  tags = {
    name = "your-name-tag"
    environment = "your-environment-tag"

Replace the "your-resource-type" and "your-resource-name" placeholders with the appropriate resource type and name.

  1. Save the changes to your Terraform code and run the "terraform apply" command to apply the changes to your infrastructure.

This process will attach the specified tags to the resource being created or updated in your infrastructure.