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There are several possible reasons why you may encounter a 404 error during deployment on Vercel. Here are some possible solutions:

  1. Check your file paths: Make sure that all your file paths are correct and match the structure of your project. If you have any typos or incorrectly capitalized letters, it could cause a 404 error.

  2. Check your build settings: Make sure that the files you want to deploy are included in your build settings. You can check by going to your Vercel dashboard, selecting your project, and checking the Build page.

  3. Check your routing configuration: Make sure that your routing configuration is correct. If you are using a framework like Next.js, you may need to configure your routes in the pages folder.

  4. Check your server configuration: Make sure that your server is properly configured, and that it is serving the correct files. You can use the Vercel logs to check for any errors.

  5. Check your dependencies: Make sure that all your dependencies are up to date, and that there are no conflicts between them. You can check your package.json file to see if there are any dependencies that need updating.

If none of these solutions work, you can contact Vercel support for further assistance.