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There are different ways to obtain several parameters using a single GET request:

  1. Query string: You can specify multiple parameters in the URL of the GET request using the query string. For example, contains three parameters separated by the & symbol.

  2. JSON format: You can send a GET request with a JSON payload that contains multiple parameters. The JSON object can have any number of key-value pairs. For example, { "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2", "param3": "value3" }.

  3. Array format: You can also use an array to send multiple parameters in a GET request. For example,[]=value1&param[]=value2&param[]=value3. This method requires a backend programming language that can parse the array correctly.

  4. Custom delimiter: You can define a custom delimiter to separate the parameters in a GET request. For example,;param2=value2;param3=value3. This method requires a backend programming language that can split the parameters using the custom delimiter.