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To use hyperlinks in a SharePoint list within Teams, follow these steps:

  1. Open the SharePoint list you want to add hyperlinks to.
  2. Click on the column header where you want to add the hyperlink.
  3. In the column settings, select "Hyperlink" as the column type.
  4. Save the changes, and the column will now be a hyperlink column.
  5. To add a hyperlink to a list item, edit the item, and enter the URL in the hyperlink column.
  6. You can also add a display name for the hyperlink to make it more user-friendly.
  7. Save the changes, and the hyperlink will be added to the list item.
  8. If you want to view the hyperlink, click on the hyperlink within the list item, and it will open in a new window.

Using hyperlinks in SharePoint lists can help to organize and provide quick access to relevant resources or websites, streamlining your work processes and increasing productivity.