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Here are some ways to deal with having several links on one webpage that share identical tags and attributes:

  1. Use different classes: Assign different CSS classes to each link to differentiate them from one another. This will allow you to target specific links using CSS and apply different styles to each one.

  2. Use different IDs: If the links are unique, you can use different IDs to differentiate them. This will allow you to target specific links using JavaScript and apply different functionality to each one.

  3. Use nested markup: If the links are related to each other, you can use nested markup to differentiate them. For example, you can use an unordered list to display a list of links, and then use different classes or IDs to target specific links within the list.

  4. Use aria-label or aria-describedby: If the links have the same text content, but have different destinations or purposes, you can use aria-label or aria-describedby attributes to provide additional context for screen readers.

  5. Use data attributes: If the links have different data associated with them, you can use data attributes to differentiate them. For example, you can use data attributes to store information about the destination of the link, or the type of content that the link leads to.