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There are several ways to verify that a node has been executed in a Camel route:

  1. Use the Camel Debugger: The Camel Debugger allows you to step through the route and see which nodes are executed.

  2. Add log statements: You can add log statements to the route to track which nodes have been executed. Camel provides a LoggingInterceptor that allows you to log the message exchange before and after the processing of each node.

  3. Use Camel Tracing: Camel Tracing is a mechanism that allows you to trace the route paths and exchange data as it flows through it. Tracing can help you to identify any errors or issues with the route and ensure that all nodes are executed. You can turn on tracing using the Camel Tracer.

  4. Use the Camel Management API: Camel provides a Management API that allows you to monitor and manage Camel routes, including which nodes have been executed. You can use the API to get information about the route, including statistics and tracing information.