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There are a few ways to stay active while moving towards the back:

  1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  2. Walk or bike to work or school instead of driving.
  3. Do some simple exercises during breaks at work or school, such as stretches, squats, or lunges.
  4. Take breaks to walk around or stretch during long periods of sitting or standing.
  5. Engage in physical activities such as swimming, dancing, yoga, or hiking.
  6. Find a workout partner or join a class to stay motivated and accountable.
  7. Incorporate movement into daily tasks, such as cleaning, gardening, or running errands.
  8. Use fitness apps or online videos to guide at-home workouts.
  9. Take advantage of outdoor activities and sports in the area.
  10. Set small goals and track progress to stay motivated and build momentum.