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There could be a few reasons why the "Go install" command results in a 404 error when attempting to install a module from GitHub:

  1. Invalid package path: The package path might not be entered correctly in the command, causing the 404 error. Double-check the package path in the command and make sure it matches the GitHub repository name.

  2. Private repository access: If the GitHub repository is private, the Go tool cannot access it without proper authentication. Make sure to authenticate access to the repository and provide any necessary credentials to the Go tool.

  3. Repository moved or deleted: The GitHub repository might have been moved or deleted, causing the 404 error. Double-check the repository's URL and make sure it still exists on GitHub.

  4. GitHub API rate limiting: The GitHub API might be rate limiting requests from the Go tool, causing the 404 error. Wait a few minutes and try the command again. If the problem persists, try authenticating with a personal access token to avoid running into rate limits.