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There could be a few reasons why your Material UI Tabs component is randomly overriding other styles:

  1. CSS specificity: If the styles you are trying to apply have a lower CSS specificity than the styles in the Tabs component, then the Tabs styles will override them.

  2. CSS ordering: If the styles you are trying to apply are being applied before the Tabs component's styles in the CSS file, then the Tabs styles will override them.

  3. Use of !important: If the Tabs component's styles are using !important, then they will override any styles that do not use it.

  4. Global scope: If the styles you are trying to apply are being applied globally and not scoped to a specific component, then they can be overridden by the styles in the Tabs component.

To avoid this issue, you can try increasing the CSS specificity of your styles, reordering your CSS file to ensure the Tabs component's styles are applied after your own styles, avoiding the use of !important in your own styles, and scoping your styles to specific components. Additionally, you can use the classes and className props provided by the Tabs component to apply custom styles without affecting the default styles.