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The CSV Import Transform Expression function in DBeaver can be used to transform data during the import process from CSV files. Here are the steps to use this function:

  1. Open DBeaver and connect to your database.
  2. In the left pane, right-click on the table where you want to import the data and select "Import Data".
  3. In the "Import Wizard" window, select "CSV" as the input format and browse to the location of your CSV file.
  4. In the "File Format" section, specify the delimiter, quote character, and other settings as per your CSV file.
  5. In the "Column Mapping" section, you can see the columns in your CSV and the corresponding columns in your table.
  6. Select the column that you want to transform and click on the "Transform Expression" button.
  7. In the "Transform Expression" window, write the expression to transform the data. You can use various functions and operators provided by DBeaver's expression language.
  8. Click on "OK" to save the expression and return to the "Column Mapping" section.
  9. Repeat the above steps for other columns that require transformation.
  10. Once you have set up all the transformations, click on "Next" to proceed with the import process.

The CSV Import Transform Expression function allows you to transform the data during import, making it easier to handle data that needs to be adjusted before it is added to your database tables.