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Here are the steps to connect pre-built libraries that have already been created with a project through CMake:

  1. Find the path to the library: Identify the path to where the pre-built library is located on your system.

  2. Modify CMakeLists.txt file: Open your CMakeLists.txt file and add the following lines of code to it:

find_library(LIBRARY_NAME_LIBRARY NAMES libraryname)
target_link_libraries(your_project_name ${LIBRARY_NAME_LIBRARY})
  1. Replace "LIBRARY_NAME" and "libraryname" with appropriate names: Replace LIBRARY_NAME with the name of the library you are linking to and libraryname with the name of the .lib, .a, or .so file associated with the library.

  2. Run the CMake command: Run the CMake command in your terminal or build tool of choice, such as Visual Studio or CLion.

  3. Build your project: Once the configuration is complete, build your project, and the linker should automatically link to the library.

  4. Test the integration: Test the integration by running your project and verifying that it uses the library correctly.

Note: If the library is not in the standard library search path, you may need to specify the path to the library using CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH or CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH in the CMakeLists.txt file.