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Here are the steps to set up LDAP on Docker php-fpm alpine:

  1. Start a new Docker container with the php-fpm alpine image.
  2. Install the necessary LDAP packages using APK, the package manager for Alpine Linux. The following packages are required: openldap-clients and php7-ldap. You can use the following command to install both packages:

    apk add --no-cache openldap-clients php7-ldap

  3. Update the php.ini file to enable the LDAP extension. You can locate the php.ini file in the /etc/php7 directory. Add the following line:

  4. Restart the PHP-FPM service to load the new configuration:

    service php7-fpm restart

  5. Test your LDAP connection using the ldapsearch command. For example, to search for all user objects in your LDAP directory, run:

    ldapsearch -x -b "dc=mydomain,dc=com" "(objectClass=person)"

    Replace dc=mydomain,dc=com with the base DN of your LDAP directory.

That's it. LDAP is now set up and ready to use in your Docker container running php-fpm alpine.