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There could be a few reasons why androidTest is not providing any output:

  1. The tests have not been written or are not running correctly: If the tests have not been written or are not running correctly, androidTest will not provide any output. Ensure that the tests have been written correctly and are running as expected.

  2. The device or emulator is not connected: Ensure that the device or emulator is connected to the computer and is recognized by Android Studio.

  3. The Gradle console is closed: Ensure that the Gradle console is open and is displaying the output. If the Gradle console is closed, androidTest will not provide any output.

  4. The test logcat is not enabled: Ensure that the test logcat is enabled. This can be done by opening the "Logcat" window and selecting the "Show only logcat from selected process" option, and then selecting the name of the test process.

  5. The tests are not configured correctly: Check if the tests are configured correctly in the build.gradle file. Ensure that the dependencies and test configurations are properly set up.