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The best way to prevent an API call from being made by a second component of the same type during rendering in React is to implement a caching mechanism.

You can use a state management library like Redux to store the API response data in the store, and then use the data from the store in subsequent API calls made by other instances of the same component. This way, if the data is already in the store, the component will not make a redundant API call.

You can also use the React Context API to share the API response data between components, so that subsequent instances of the same component can use the data from the context instead of making a new API call.

Another approach is to use the React lifecycle methods, such as shouldComponentUpdate, to check whether the component needs to re-render or not. If the component has already made an API call and received the data, you can prevent it from making the same API call again by returning false from shouldComponentUpdate.