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In order to pass a list to helm using the terraform helm_release provider, you can use the list type in your values block. Here is an example:

resource "helm_release" "my_release" {
  name       = "my-release"
  repository = ""
  chart      = "my-chart"

  values = {
    my_list = list("item1", "item2", "item3")

In this example, we are passing a list called my_list that contains three items to the helm chart. Note that we are using the list function to create the list with the three items. You can replace the items with variables or other expressions if needed.

Once you have your list defined in the values block, you can access it in your helm chart templates using the lookup function. For example, to iterate over the list in a range block, you can use the following code:

{{- range $i, $item := (lookup .Values "my_list") }}
  {{ printf "Item %d: %s" $i $item }}
{{- end }}

This will output the three items in the list with their corresponding index.