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The method to group similar cases together in an SQL query, while keeping different cases on separate lines is by using the GROUP BY clause. The GROUP BY clause groups data based on one or more columns, and then aggregates the data using aggregate functions such as SUM, COUNT, AVG, etc. However, the GROUP BY clause will merge similar cases into a single row, so to keep different cases on separate lines, you can include the column(s) that represent the different cases in the SELECT statement, but not in the GROUP BY clause. This will keep those columns separate and show all cases in separate rows.

For example, if you have a table called "orders" with columns "orderid", "customerid", "orderdate", and "ordertotal", and you want to group orders by customer and show the order count and total for each customer while keeping each order on a separate row, you can use the following SQL query:

SELECT customerid, orderid, COUNT(orderid) AS ordercount, SUM(ordertotal) AS ordertotal FROM orders GROUP BY customer_id

This will group all orders by the customerid column, but the orderid column will still be shown in the result set, so each order will be on a separate row. The result set will show the customerid, orderid, order count, and order total for each customer.