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There are multiple ways to maintain state across different pages in Flutter.

  1. InheritedWidget and InheritedModel:

InheritedWidget and InheritedModel allow you to pass state down the Widget tree to its descendants. It is a great option for smaller applications that require passing down simple data or information.

  1. Provider:

Provider is a Flutter package that provides an easy and efficient way to share state between different screens/pages. It is a popular option for many developers since it allows for dependency injection and can easily scale for larger applications.

  1. Stateful widget:

Stateful widgets are used when you need to manage state within a single widget. In some cases, you might prefer to maintain state within a specific page or screen. You can then pass down state from this widget to a child widget.

  1. BLoC pattern:

BLoC is a design pattern in Dart and Flutter that separates the presentation layer from the business logic layer. It allows for state management across various screens and helps to keep your code organized and structured.

Ultimately, the approach you take to maintain state across different pages in Flutter will depend on the size and complexity of your application, personal preferences, and requirements.